To launch the start of his new blog series providing coverage of the latest in Information Technology (IT) news, Network Administrator Brian Lederer features the in-person return of the IT Expo at University of Cincinnati:
For the first time in over four years, the University of Cincinnati will finally host its Information Technology (IT) Expo in-person. This is a fantastic opportunity for aspiring IT professionals, as well as partner companies in the space, to converge and converse together. Held at the Campus Recreation Center, this free public event is open to everyone — whether you currently attend University of Cincinnati or not! For this reason, IT Expert Brian Lederer believes that this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in potentially pursuing a career or formal training in the industry! Lederer encourages professionals of all ability levels in the local area to consider stopping by the Expo to share their ideas and scoop up some new suggestions on how to take their careers to the next level.
This year’s event will mark the 13th annual IT Expo. Bringing together keynote speakers, small businesses, computer science professionals and aspiring experts, this is a can’t-miss opportunity for anyone with even the slightest bit of an interest in pursuing this career path. As far as Brian Lederer sees it, this could be your way into this competitive industry! Along with a keynote speaker, presentation breakouts and panels where you can ask questions, there will also be an awards ceremony honoring members of the UC Computer Science community.
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