An information technology professional with a diverse background, Brian Lederer has maintained various roles as an IT Technician. He currently works for CCF Bank in Eau Claire, WI.
Long before Brian Lederer graduated from Colorado State University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, he knew that his dream was to work in IT. What initially began as a task to solve a simple problem with his first desktop computer quickly became a full-fledged hobby. And it took even less time for that hobby to turn into a full-blown passion! Lederer strives to learn everything he possibly can about IT and computer science, in tandem with the advancements of technology that unfold within his career. The IT professional looks forward to a career that will be ever-evolving and always teetering on the cutting edge of technology, just like the IT field itself.

Current Professional Experience
Network Administrator at CCF Bank
Since 2020, Brian Lederer has worked as a Network Administrator for CCF Bank in Eau Claire, WI. Within this role, Lederer is responsible for managing the security of CCF Bank’s digital network, which includes maintaining everything from vulnerability management and risk assessment. Lederer also regularly participates in and manages the execution of Operating Software (OS) patching, as well as network and security updates. On the day-to-day, the Network Administrator is tasked with routine risk detection and response, workstation and server hardening. When necessary, Lederer performs audits within the network to ensure safety, security and efficiency of the system overall. A recent achievement within this role includes Lederer’s leadership of a project which updated and reorganized CCF Bank’s asset and software inventory. This process would prove critical to the network’s security and performance.
Previous Professional Experience
Prior to his promotion to Network Administrator at CCF Bank, Brian Lederer previously maintained the role of IT TECH II within the same organization from 2018 to 2020. Before joining the CCF Bank team, Lederer worked as an IT Network Specialist at Arimon Technologies, Inc in neighboring Montello, WI.